NECO Literature Prose & Drama 2017 Questions & Answers Objectives Theory & Essay Expo/Runz/Site ->Complete NECO Literature Prose & Drama Answer 2017 Expo/Runz (Literature)
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NECO Literature Prose & Drama 2017 Questions & Answers Objectives Theory & Essay Expo |
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NECO Literature Prose & Drama Question and Answers
NOTE : Answer one each from each section. !
*Frank Ogodo Ogbeche* : Harvest of corruption
(1) With adequate textual illustration, discuss the theme of desperation.
(2) "Whatever you sow, you shall reap".
Discuss the assertion IN relation to cheif Ade Amaka's role in the play.
*Dele Charley* : The Blood of a stranger.
(3) Discuss maligu as a corrupt and deceitful character.
(4) With a close reference to the play, discuss the use of symbolism.
Non-African Drama
*Oliver Goldsmith* : She stops to conquer
(5) Give a detailed account of Marlow's acts of rudeness to Mr. Hardcastle.
(6) What are the contributions of Marlow to the development of the play?
*Lorrainc Hansberry* : A Raisin In the sun
(7) Compare and contrast mama's and Walter dreams, showing their significance in the play.
(8) "Cena younger is a strong motivational force". Discuss.
(9) Discuss the themes of poverty and suffering in birago Diop's "VANITY".
(10) Give a detailed account of Gbanabom hallowell's "The dinning table".
(11) Discuss the use of plant imagery to reflect life experience in Robert Frost's "Birches".
(12) What are the messages contained in "THE PULLEY" by George Herbert?
3)MALUGUS DECEITFUL AND CORRUPTION : Throughout the play, The Blood of a Stranger, deceit permeates every aspects of the characters' lives especially the antagonist such as Whitehead, Maligu, Parker and Soko. Maligu's deception is made known from his plans to make fortune from the white man's visit, at the expense of the people of Mandoland. This is evident in his conversation with Soko, from whom he canvasses support for his mischief. To the morally dangling priest, he says: "Do you want to die a poor man?" Similarly, Soko deceives the entire village regarding the coming of the white man when he lies that the oracle has indeed prophesied the event and that a virgin girl be sacrificed. In addition, the white man, Whitehead, and his assistant, Parker, connive to rob the village of her naturally endowed diamond while fooling the king and the palace chiefs that his mission is to empower the villagers through tobacco farming. With this, Charley seems to portray the deceptive and amoral means, which the White colonialists used in raping their colonies, African countries, of their God-given natural resources.
8)Lena Younger, a.k.a. Mama, totally rocks our world. She's a down-to-earth, hard-working black woman who doesn't suffer fools. Mama has dedicated her life to her children and struggles to instill her values in them – with mixed results. One of Lena's most poignant moments might be when she admits to Ruth that sometimes her children frighten her. This is one of those sad and beautiful moments that make her character seem truly human.
Throughout the play, Lena struggles to con
No 9.
The poem, “Vanity” explores the experiences of the poor Africans whose cry for freedom are not heard. The experiences have two parts: the first one is the physical and the second one is the spiritual. The physical is all about the generality of the poor Africans whose suffering and anguish are neglected by the African leaders. The level of suffering of these people is so grave that when people hear them, they would laugh at them. The poet-persona asks several questions which tell us more about the suffering of the people. The persona makes it known to us that because of the way those in authority treat these poor Africans, they decide not to complain anymore and allow their anger to die with them. Finally, the poet observes that when people die in their anger, no amount of wailing will make up the lost grounds, for the dead are no longer alive to human experiences.
The first three lines of the poem evoke the life of anguish which the people are going through.
The lines introduce us to the painful nature of human experiences. It is a kind of suffering which demands sympathy not laughter.
From lines five to fourteen, the persona rhetorically asks questions bothering on the state of the poor masses. He calls them names to depict their state of penury. He goes ahead to note ironically that anyone who hears their sad complain will laugh at them instead of pitying them.
In conclusion. It is really sad that a poor person suffers to death, no 1 cares for them. But when they die they are buried like kings
No 10.
The Dining Table is a serious poem that records what the poet witnessed during the Sierra Leonean war. The poem opens with a powerful use of imagery that sparks off the reader’s senses. The poet describes to the reader the horrific nature of the war which was characterised mainly by shootings, maiming and death. The main cause of conflict was the struggle for the control of Sierra Leonean diamonds, the most significant mineral wealth in Sierra Leone which the poet symbolically portrayed as “dinner”. In the second verse, the poet recalls how the guerrillas operated freely and how they brutally killed and terrorised the people. He remembers how the government forces and their allies which he describes as “crocodiles” also killed and committed atrocities during the war. He also recalls how Sierra Leone was thereafter threatened by an outbreak of the cholera epidemic which led to the death of many of its population. In the third verse, the poet resolves to be a change- agent (a revolutionary). He admits that though he desires a political revolution, he lacks the power and the needed support for a revolution, having just survived a brutal war.
No 12.
The poem “The Pulley” illustrates the relationship between God and man especially his benevolence to man. The first stanza describes how God made man and blessed him with worldly riches: “When God at first made man, Having a glass of blessings standing by”. The stanza also portrays the concept of Trinity as seen in the Biblical creation story in Genesis: “Let us, said he pour on him all we can” (Note the use of the phrase “Let us”).
In the second stanza, God actually poured his blessings of strength, beauty, wisdom, honour and pleasure on man but withheld one important blessing- The Gift of Rest: “Perceiving that, alone of all his treasure, Rest in the bottom lay”.
In the third stanza, God gave his reason for withholding the gift of rest from man. He withdrew this blessing because he felt giving man the gift of rest would make him conceited or excessively proud and man may not worship him: “He would adore my gifts instead of me, And rest in nature, not the God of Nature”. With the withdrawal of rest from man, man is thrown into perpetual restlessness so that he can always remember his creator whether as a result of goodness or weariness.
Mans riches makes him forget about God. But the poet using the illustration of a pulley. Described the method which God have deviced to pull man back to Himself when man has gone far away from him. When a man loses all the good things of life, he remembers God again. A man looking for a job will always attend all church activities. But once God blesses him with a good job he uses the job as an excuse. He hadly creates time for God. But God can simply pull him back by taking away the job if he feels the job is keeping you far away from him
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